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Verification of your mobile number using your account number

You have chosen to keep your current phone number. Before we ask your current provider to transfer your number to us, we need to confirm that the specified mobile number is correct and really is yours. We do this by sending you a unique 5-digit confirmation code. If you text this code back to us, we can be sure that we have the correct number. Unfortunately, you never received this code, or you no longer have access to it. We can also verify your phone number using your account number (a.k.a. your client number) at your current provider. You can enter this account number in the field below.

What does your account number look like?

The account number consists of a series of numbers and / or letters that you have received from your current provider. Be sure not to enter the account number or order number that you received from us.

Where to find your account number?

Only you and your current provider know your account number. You can usually find it in your contract confirmation or in your personal account section. Alternatively, you can ontact your current provider, they will be able to tell you.